Uninstalling the protection from the administration console


The remote uninstall feature allows administrators to uninstall the protection simply and effectively from the Web console, without having to physically go to each computer. This uninstall type therefore saves on costs and legwork.

The first step is to create and configure an uninstall task. To do that, the administrator must select the group and the computers in the group that will be affected by the task. After the process is complete, they will be able to check the results of the uninstall task on each computer.


Creating a remote uninstall task

  1. In the main console window, click Installation and then Uninstallation in the menu on the left.

  2. Select Remote uninstallation. This will take you to the Remote uninstallation window.

To configure uninstall tasks, the user that  accesses the administration console  must have total control or administrator permissions. For more information, refer to chapter Users.

  1. To configure a new uninstall task, click New uninstallation. Then, in the Edit uninstallation window, name the task and select the group that contains the computers whose protection will be uninstalled.  The groups displayed will be those on which you have permissions.

  2. If the selected group has a configuration profile for which an uninstall password has been set, enter it in the Password field.

  3. Select the computers from the computer list displayed on the Available computers tab, and click Add. After you select them, they will appear on the Selected computers tab.


Viewing remote uninstall tasks and their results

Uninstall tasks are listed in the Remote uninstallation window, from where you can also remove them by using the Delete button.

Information is organized into the following columns:

You will be able to create, view, or remove uninstall tasks depending on your permissions.

To see the results of any of the uninstall tasks, click on its name and you will go to the Results window.


Remote uninstall results

Click the name of an uninstall task in the Remote uninstallation window to see its results.

In addition to the name and the start and end date of the task, this window also shows information about the affected computers and their status.

If the status of the uninstall task is On hold, the start date will display a hyphen (-). The same applies to the end date if the task has not finished.

If you want to see the uninstall task settings, use the View settings link.


Incompatibility between searches for unprotected computers and remote uninstall tasks

If a computer is involved in an uninstall task (On hold, Starting, or In progress), it is not possible to create another uninstall task for it, or select it as the computer from which to launch searches for unprotected computers.

Likewise, if a computer is running a task for discovering unprotected computers, it is not possible to create an uninstall task for it.



Related topics

Local uninstall

Uninstalling the protection using the centralized distribution tool