Currently blocked items being classified


This panel shows every unknown process detected on the network that requires further analysis by Panda Security Labs in order to be classified as goodware or malware. Depending on the way the protection has been configured (Lock, Hardening or Audit), these item may be blocked during the time it takes to classify them.

The information displayed in this section is a history of all the items that have been blocked and are pending classification since the service was implemented on the customer's network until the current time, and is not affected by the time period selected by the administrator.

The total number of temporarily blocked items indicates the different applications (different MD5) that are being blocked. This number is independent of the number of run attempts performed by each blocked application.

Each application is counted once only. That is, even if an application tries to run several times on the same computer, it will only be counted once. The size of each bubble is an indicator of the number of computers where the malware was found and blocked.


Suppose the dashboard displays a total of eight currently blocked items pending classification. Each item will be represented with a circle.

Suppose one of the applications tried to run thirty times on the same computer on the same day. As all those attempts took place on the same computer and on the same day, they will count as only one of the eight detections shown in the panel.

Blocked applications are indicated with a color code:

Move the mouse pointer over a circle to display the application's full name and a series of icons representing key actions:

Click the number of blocked items or any of the circles in the panel to access detailed information.