Currently blocked items being classified

This list shows those files in which Adaptive Defense 360 has detected a risk despite their classification is not fully complete.

These files are blocked during the time it takes to fully classify them.

At the top of the window there is a search tool that allows you to choose between viewing a list of the items that are currently blocked or a history of every item blocked so far:

Currently blocked

Filter (1) restricts the search indicated in text box (2):

Filter (3) filters the items on the list by the protection mode in which Adaptive Defense 360 was configured when the item was blocked (Lock or Hardening), as well as by the actions taken by the process: Access to data files and Communications (only if the process was allowed to run before being blocked and its actions were logged by the system).

The Currently blocked table fields are as follows:


Filter (1) restricts the search indicated in text box (2):

Filter (3) allows you to filter the items on the list by the following criteria:

The History table fields are as follows:

Detailed information

Click the arrow after the Date column to display additional information about the item, for example, detection technology, infection source user and IP address, as well as other details regarding the item's life cycle and the number of times it has been seen on the network.

Use the option Do not block again to prevent the item from being blocked again in the future. Finally, click View activity graph to access a visual representation of the actions performed by the item.

Click the icon in the Action column to display the command line and execution parameters used in the attack. You can copy this data by selecting the text and using the Copy-Paste option in the context (right-click) menu.

You can also export this information. Use the option to export the blocked item's life cycle to .CSV format. You'll find it in the upper-right corner of the window.