General settings button

This button displays a drop-down menu with the general settings options described below:


Lets you create new users with different access permissions to the Web console.


Lets you configure general settings related to the operation of the console:


Contains the console's context-sensitive Help. Press F1 to display the help topic associated with the current window.

Advanced Administration Guide

Lets you download the product's Advanced Administration Guide.

Advanced Reporting Tool and/or Data Control

Advanced Reporting Tool lets you generate detailed reports and perform advanced searches on the applications installed on your IT network and their activity.

Click here to access the Advanced Reporting Tool guide.

Finally, Data Control lets you monitor what confidential information is stored on your computers and what actions are taken on it.

Click here to access the Data Control guide.

Technical Support

Lets you contact Panda Security's technical support department to report incidents and find answers to your questions.

Suggestion box

Lets you send comments and suggestions for improvement to Panda Security's Product Department.

License Agreement

Displays the product's EULA.


Shows the version of the different components that make up the service.