This installation method applies only to Windows computers.
It is important that, before downloading the distribution tool, you check the minimum requirements the computer must meet.
The distribution tool lets you install and uninstall the protection centrally on Windows computers, avoiding manual intervention from end users throughout the process.
Remember that, if you want to uninstall the protection, you will be asked to enter the uninstallation password you set for the relevant configuration profile.
In Installation, click Download distribution tool.
In the download dialog box, select Save, then, once it has downloaded, run the file from the directory you have saved it to. A wizard will guide you through the installation process.
Once you have installed the Endpoint Protection distribution tool, you have to open it in order to deploy the protection to your computers. You will then see the main window from which you can install and uninstall the protection.
When selecting the computers on which to install the protection, the distribution tool lets you do this on the basis of two criteria: by domain or by IP address/computer name.
If you often use other file distribution tools you can use them to distribute the protection.