Computer details (Android devices)


In the case of Android devices, the Computer details window will display information about the device, and the status of its antivirus and Anti-Theft protection.

If the Anti-Theft protection is enabled for a device, a map will be displayed showing its location and the options provided by the Anti-Theft protection: wipe, lock, snap the thief and locate.

If any of the protections display an error, click the How to fix errors link to view a series of troubleshooting instructions to help you resolve the issue.


Wipe device

Use the Wipe button to erase all the data on the device and restore its original factory settings.


Lock device

Click the Lock device button to prevent access to it. Enter a four-digit unlock code.


Snap the thief

This feature automatically takes a picture of anyone interacting with a stolen device. Enter the email address to send the picture to. You can enter multiple addresses, separated with a semicolon (;).

By default, the feature will display the email addresses entered when configuring the Anti-Theft protection for the relevant profile.


Privacy mode

Administrators can allow users to use their devices in privacy mode. This allows the user to disable the options to automatically report the device's location and take a picture of the thief, which will be password-protected.

However, it will still be possible to use those options on demand, but only if you have the password entered by the user.


Task list

The window will show a list of the tasks run on the device from the Web console. For more information, refer to the Task list section.